Monday, September 21, 2009

Another fun piece for you guys

I had a lot of fun with this one. :D But I always have fun drawing Captain Falcon. ;)

Thursday, September 17, 2009

project worries

This'll be my first update where I don't have a picture since my very first post. lol! Anyway, just felt like posting something. I was working on the illustration homework last night (the t-shirt design) & it looks great & all, but I'm wondering if it's gonna be okay. I did what Prof. Hill said & changed the silhouettes & fixed the words, but I'm still not sure if it's complete. I might just be over-thinking it, but I feel like it was too easy to finish. I've gotten quite good with the pen tool. :)

I thnk maybe the thing I'm really worried about it actually making the shirt & wearing it around, because it's a little...lewd? I mean, we only have to wear the shirt once to school, but if my mom sees it, she will be most dissapproving. I'll probably end up giving the shirt to my friend who would love it, but yeah. Maybe that's my problem. Well, I guess I'll find out tomorrow in class.

Monday, September 14, 2009

More sketches

Just some sketches of different facial expressions for my Life Drawing for Animation class. The female faces are supposed to resemble me,'s kind of a stretch. ^^; The guy faces are of my own design.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Eyes for illustration

Here's the 2 eyes I was supposed to draw for Illustration class. I sketched them out first, then vectorized them on Adobe Illustrator. The diamond one is kinda funky, but they were supposed to be simple & made with definite shapes, so here they are.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Not really art realated, but...

I got in a car accident yesterday on the way to school. I'm fine & wasn't hurt, my poor little Chevy Metro didn't make it. T_T My mom & I went & got a new car today so I'll have a ride to school & work, but I'll never forget my little green friend. <3

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Just for fun

In my Life Drawing for Animation class we had to choose a favorite cartoon character & draw their musculature & skeletal structure, so I chose Batman as my character. :) I only got around to doing the musculature, but here it is. enjoy! (Sorry for the poor quality, but it's a photo from my iPhone.)

Monday, September 7, 2009

3am post

Well, so much for regularly keeping up with this thing. Anyway, learned a bit more about Adobe illustrator in our last class session. It's a bit tricky since I'm so used to photoshop, but I'm starting to get the hang of it.

Prof. Hill said we should put up something we drew here on our blogspots, so I'll share a picture of Flapjack I drew the other day & colored today with you guys. Enjoy!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

my first blog

Hey there! This is my first blog on my new blogspot. It's actually for my illustration class, so I'll probably be blogging about art for the most part. Let's see if I can keep this thing up! ;)